Outdoor Education Programmes - NZ Curriculum
We understand that well designed Adventure Education programme outcomes can include greater self-awareness, self-esteem and self-confidence, and the development of value systems and of social skills including:
- empathy
- communication
- interpersonal skills
- emotional intelligence
- problem-solving
- leadership
The Horizons Outdoor Adventure Education team have a thorough understanding of the New Zealand Education Curriculum.
Not just a 'day out of class' our programmes aim to compliment and assist schools to deliver the New Zealand Curriculum. We have a range of programmes which work within different stands of the curriculum, and are happy to work with you to design something specifically for your class.
Outdoor Education - links to key competencies
- Thinking: Through participating in new adventure based learning activities and challenges students will be encouraged to think creatively, solve problems and complete tasks. All programmes are developed through thorough research and facilitated by one of our experienced team to help students understand and transfer their learning.
- Managing Self: Our programmes give students the opportunity to learn and practice skills such as goal setting, time and resource management, and self-motivation.
- Relating to Others: Through a range of co-operative and/or competitive activities students will be encouraged to develop ways to communicate effectively, and work together towards team success.
- Participating and Contributing: Many outdoor activities require team members to actively participate and work together, utilising the diversity amongst their team to succeed.
Ka Hikitia - The Maori Education Strategy
Ka Hikitia recognises that 'peer culture has a significant influence on presence, engagement, and achievement at school'. Through participation in hands on learning activities students will be encouraged to build a supportive and inclusive class culture as they learn more about the different values, cultures and personalities in their class.
Our Outdoor Adventure Education programmes aim to support the Ako strategy of Co-operative Learning, particularly the goal for students to develop skills in relation to 'Respecting the views of others, tolerance, team work, sharing ideas and putting group goals ahead of individual goals'.
Unit and Achievement Standards
We have developed programmes specifically to gather evidence towards a wide range of nzqa unit standards and achievement standards. Popular units include Adventure Based Learning (ABL), Low and High Ropes Course, and Leadership. Journals can be supplied to compliment the day/s and help gather evidence pre and post programme follow up.